1.1. SWISSAM GENEVA CORPORATION Sàrl is a company located at 22, rue des Alpes, CH- 1201Geneva and which owns the SKINIS marketing license.

1.2. By taking note of these general conditions, the Internet user, designated as theclient, implicitly accepts the operation of SKINIS.

1.3. Exchanges with SKINIS concerning the website, namely; product information,ordering information, lead time information should be undertaken by thecustomer by email. Customer calls to SKINIS points of sale regarding the website are notwill not be informed.

1.4. The following general conditions apply to all orders placed by the customer toSKINIS, on the website, on the mobile application and in the shops The customer must ensureto have read and understood the general conditions before placing an order.

1.5. Only natural persons aged at least 16 years, not placed under guardianship or guardianship,acting in their own name, with a residential address or domiciliation boxcompany can order.

1.6. The products present on the site at a given time does not imply and does not guaranteenot that these products are available at all times. SKINIS reserves the right to interrupt thesale of a product at any time.


2.1. Payment is made online via a secure interface, by credit card, debit card,Postcard. The possibility of paying by BVR is also given.

2.2. The customer can choose to pay part or all of his order by gift voucher or bycard have.

2.3. The customer receives his legally required invoice by email. Email he sent toprior to SKINIS 'request.


3.1. Prices are in Swiss francs (CHF and VAT included) for Switzerland. For the rest of theworld, prices are in euros (EUROS and VAT included).

3.2. The costs as well as the delivery times will be communicated during your order.

3.3. The delivery costs for each order will be the same, regardless of size orthe weight of your order.

3.4. Prices shown online and in store may vary.


4.1 When the customer has placed an order, he will receive a confirmation email provided he haspreviously communicated the e-mail address to SKINIS. When validating the order, the customerwill receive an order number (which will also be indicated on the invoice, as well as thedelivery). This number must be carefully kept by the client and mentioned in each of theexchanges between the latter and SKINIS.

4.2. If for any reason SKINIS is unable to fulfill your order, SKINIS will do so.know as soon as possible to the customer. If SKINIS has already received the payment corresponding to saidorder, SKINIS will try to reimburse the customer by the amount in question using the samepayment method than the one the customer had chosen. If, for one reason or another,alternative arrangements must be made, a member of SKINIS Customer Service will contact the customerto complete its reimbursement.


5.1. SKINIS takes the utmost diligence in accepting and processing orders and willall efforts necessary to deliver the customer's order to a residential address or to aother address that the latter will have communicated to him, in accordance with the delivery option that thecustomer selected.

5.2. Before placing an order, the customer will be informed of the expected delivery time. As soon as he confirmshis order and if he has entered his email as requested by SKINIS, the customer will receive an email fromconfirmation with all information relating to the delivery time of his order.

5.3. If the deadlines are exceeded unreasonably the customer must contact SKINIS by . SKINIS undertakes to respond as soon as possible to the reasons for this delay.


6.1. SKINIS is a registered trademark, protected by copyright. We do not allow the useof the term, logo and brand SKINIS in a context other than this site.

6.2. By using SKINIS services, the customer complies with intellectual property law andundertakes to respect it.

6.3. By using SKINIS services, the customer also undertakes to do everything in his power not todisable or interfere with the relative security functions of the site or elements thatprevent or limit the use or reproduction of any content.

6.4. By using SKINIS services, the customer agrees not to use any device or tryto use any device, software, tool, agent, script or any other device or mechanism (including, withoutlimitation, spiders, bots, crawlers, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate or perform asearch the site, or to copy content available on the site. SKINIS reserves the rightimmediately prohibit access to the site and close the account of any user who violatesthis provision or any other provision of these terms of sale conditions.


7.1. SKINIS undertakes to make all reasonable efforts to accurately display thecharacteristics of its products, including their material, capacity, weight, size, andcolors.

7.2. The color the customer sees will depend on their computer system, and SKINIS cannotguarantee that the customer's computer will display said colors accurately.

7.3. The characteristics indicated of a product on are only valuesapproximate allowing the customer to better understand, visualize the article and notguarantee in no case that they will be identical to the characteristics of the article that the customerreceives. The final characteristics of a product may vary depending on the material usedas part of its production.


8.1. If a product has defects, SKINIS's warranty is limited to the return of the product and thereimbursement of the price, subject to compliance by the customer with the conditions and deadlines indicated innext paragraph.

8.2. In the event of a defect, the customer has 7 days to return the product, providedto have previously, within 2 days, requested a right of return to SKINIS.Regardless of the existence of a defect, the customer may, unless stated "may not be subject to areturn ", return the order within 14 days from the date of receipt.

8.3. Returns are accepted by post as well as in store.

8.4. Damage caused during transport to the product (s) are considered to be defects in theproducts.

8.5. In the event of a return in accordance with the above paragraphs, the price paid (not including thedelivery) will be refunded if the return is due to a SKINIS error in delivery, by delivering theamount debited to the credit of the customer's card.

8.6 Our entire return policy is available under "RETURN / SERVICE".


9.1. The customer is responsible for the content and images published via the site and all theirconsequences. In addition to content free from defamatory, offensive, racist commentsor homophobic, the client is also required to use only visuals of which he has therights of use. SKINIS does not in any way endorse the responsibility for personalizationany accessory, both in terms of graphics and that of the message.

9.2. In the case of a registration for a user account, you are asked to create a password.past. It is the customer's responsibility to save the password and keep it confidential. SKINISencourages the use of STRONG passwords: (passwords displaying a combination of lettersuppercase and lowercase, numbers and symbols) for any account opening. SKINIS cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from failure to complyto the above requirements.


10.1. Nothing in these general conditions will exclude or limit the responsibility of SKINIS byin relation to any matter for which it would be illegal for SKINIS to limit or exclude itsresponsibility.

10.2. SKINIS assumes its responsibility in the event of death or bodily injury caused by itsnegligence or that of its employees. SKINIS does not exclude its responsibility for performancesfraudulent by itself or its employees. If SKINIS violates these general conditions, SKINIS will assumeits liability only for losses being the consequence that one can reasonably expectof such violation.

10.3. SKINIS cannot be held responsible for indirect losses that occur as a result of theloss or main damage, for example loss of profits or loss of opportunities; orits failure to ensure delivery of the goods or to meet its obligations tothese general conditions when said breach is due to an event beyondreasonably within its control, including and not limited to fires, floods, storms,riots, civil strife, wars, nuclear accidents and terrorist activity.

10.4. SKINIS 'maximum liability to the customer is with respect to any loss ordamage occurring in connection with the customer's order on the site andthe SKINIS application will be limited to the total price of your order.


11.1 These general conditions can be modified at any time by SKINIS withoutnotify the client beforehand. It is the customer's responsibility to keep informed of changes on a regular basisby consulting them on the site: or on the SKINIS applications.

11.2. The version of the general conditions which will apply to the customer's order is the one appearingon the site / application when the customer places an order.


12.1. The relations between SKINIS and the customer are governed by Swiss law. For any dispute relating torelations between SKINIS and the client, the place of jurisdiction is in Geneva.


INIS has a particular interest in data protection. We, SKINIS, want to betransparent with Internet users, which is why we have put in place strict rulesconcerning the data of each of you, our customers.

1. Responsibility for processing your data.

Swissam Geneva Corporation sàrl, Swiss company

1201 GENEVA - CH

IDE: CHE-471.897.866
Federal Num: CH-660.0.296.011-6
Num. VAT: CHE 471 893 866

is responsible for the processing of your personal data that you provide to us in accordance withto current data protection law.

2. Where is your data stored?

Your data is stored on our server based in Switzerland. In the event of a transfer of yourpersonal data, this will take place in accordance with applicable laws. For transfers inoutside the European Economic Area, we will use Standard Contractual Clauses as wellVisual Protection as protective measures for countries not subject to anyadequacy decision on the part of the European Commission.

3. Who has access to your data?

Your data is only available within our company.We never pass, exchange or sell your data for commercial purposes to anythird. If your data is transferred to third parties, it will be used only for the purpose of exemption fromour services.

4. What is the legal basis for the processing?

For any processing of personal data that you provide to us, we will tell you if theprovision of personal data is statutory or necessary to conclude a contract and if itis mandatory and what the consequences could be if you choose to oppose it inpurchasing, after-sales service and direct marketing. In the case of development andimprovement of society, prevention or abuse, the processing of your personal data isbased on our legitimate interest.

5. What are your rights?
  • Right of accessYou have the right to request information at any time regardingpersonal data that you have provided to us (right about you). To do this, you mustcontact us at the following address:
  • Right of rectificationYou have the right to contact us in order to complete your personal data if these areincomplete. You can also contact us if you want to correct your datapersonal data in our possession if these are incorrect.
  • Right of portabilityWe process your data automatically after obtaining your consent. You have theright to request the obtaining of your personal data, for you or for a third party. If arequest is made to us on your part, we will communicate your data to you ina structured, readable format commonly used by the IT industry. Obviously thisonly concerns the data that you have communicated to us.
  • Right to erasureYou have the right at any time to request the erasure of your processed personal databy SKINIS and provided by you. We process your data, if you are registered on our siteinternet, if you have an order in progress, if you have an unpaid debt to us, if youhave already placed an order with us (for reasons of accounting treatment), if youare suspected of having unlawfully abused our services in the past 5 years.
  • Right to object to processing based on our legitimate interest :You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on the interestlegitimate of SKINIS. SKINIS will stop processing your personal data unless we candemonstrate that this procedure has a legitimate interest which goes beyond your interest and your rightsor that arises from legal claims.
  • Right to object to direct marketingYou have the right to object to the analysis of your profile for marketing purposes. SKINIS yourequests your consent by subscribing to its newsletter. If, however, you change your mind andwish to stop analyzing your personal data for marketing purposes, you can at anymoment unsubscribe under the tab "my account" -> "newsletter" -> "unsubscribe".
  • Right of restrictionYou have the right to request that SKINIS restrict the processing of your datapersonal in the following circumstances; if you object to processing based onSKINIS 'legitimate interest, SKINIS must restrict any processing of this data pendingthe legitimate interest check, if you have claimed that your personal data wasSKINIS will have to restrict any processing of this data pending verificationthe accuracy of your personal data, if the processing is unlawful, you can object toerasure of your personal data and instead request the restriction of the use of yourpersonal data, if SKINIS no longer needs your personal data but isnevertheless necessary for the defense of your legal claims.
  • Exercise of your rightsIn order to exercise your rights, we have set up a channel dealing with your datapersonal. In order to contact this part of our Customer Service, we have dedicated aspecific email address; . We manage your requests with the utmost seriousnessand as soon as possible with regard to the aforementioned requests. You can contact at anyour personal data manager at the same address.
  • Right to file a complaintIf you believe that SKINIS is processing your data illegally, you can contact us.However, if the solutions we offer do not satisfy you, you havethe right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time bycases of need or change of laws. The most recent version of the confidentiality clausecan always be viewed on our website or on our app. Wecommunicate any material changes to the confidentiality clause, for exampleexample the purpose of the use of your personal data, the identity of the Controller or your rights.
6. Why do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data in order to process your orders, your requests, yourguarantees, and to ensure reliable and clear communication by email with you. This allows usto contact you via all the means at our disposal in order to carry out our collaboration(phone, mail, email). We also use your data for the purpose of improving ourproducts, our interfaces, as well as to plan the implementation of new branches. Forfinish we use your data for direct marketing purposes only for our ownbusiness. However, in the last two cases mentioned, we will use your data in a wayanonymous and not individual.

7. What types of personal data do we use?

We use the simple personal data you provide to us. These are thefollowing: your first and last name (s), your address, your email address, your telephone number(contact details). Your date of birth, payment information, history included,credit information, order information, customer number, and all other informationuseful for correspondence processing.We use your data such as navigation on our website and your clicks for the purposes ofdirect marketing only for our own business.

8. How long do we keep the data for?

We keep your data after deleting an account for 100 days for our analyzesmarketing statistics. Regarding your purchase history, we keep your data for 6 monthsafter your last order. If we had to process the file of one of our orders by theafter-sales service, we keep your data for 12 months. If you return to the store, yourdata is kept for 24 months. Regarding direct marketing, we keep your data 12month. As long as you are registered with SKINIS, your data is kept.

Fulfillment of legal obligations

We will use your personal data to comply with legal obligations, thecase law and decisions of the authorities. This includes the use of your personal data into collect and verify accounting data in order to comply with accounting rules.

In this specific case, we process your following personal data: your customer number, yourorder number, your name, your postal address and your email address, the amount of thetransaction, as well as the date of the transaction.

We share your personal data in this case with an IT company thatprovides us with the accounting software.

In order to comply with our legal obligations, we must ensure the processing of your datapersonal.

We record your data in accordance with the accounting rules applicable in yourcountries as well as in Switzerland.

Prevention of crime & abuse

We will use your personal data for preventive loss management by ensuringthat the terms and conditions are respected and by detecting and preventing any abuse of ourservices.

We will also use your personal data by video surveillance in our stores,for security reasons to be able to follow up in case of incidents and toprevent and report criminal offenses in our stores.

Your personal data will be used to prevent and investigate the abuse of our online services,losses and fraud, by analyzing online shopping behavior.

In the aforementioned cases, the data therefore concerning incidents and fraud can beshared with insurance companies, legal authorities or local police andworldwide in order to carry out investigations. Please note that such recipients will have a rightor an independent obligation to process your personal data.


By adopting the hashtag "#SkinisMe", you agree to the following:

You grant to SKINIS, through the company SWISSAM GENEVA CORPORATION SÀRL -CHE-471.897.866 - , hereinafter referred to as "SKINIS", a non-exclusive worldwide license, free ofroyalty, allowing them to use any photos and animated content you have replied to#SkinisMe hereinafter referred to as "Photos and Animated Content" for its marketing and / or in itsadvertising, including online store, newsletters, catalogs, e-mails, networkssocial - paid SKINIS channels and social networks, store materials and otherscommunications with clients. SKINIS can use, reproduce, distribute, combine with othersmaterial, alter and / or modify your Photos and Animated Content in its sole discretion.

You hereby represent and warrant that (i) you own all rights in and over yourPhotos and Animated Content, (ii) you have the permission of any person (s) appearing on your Photosand Animated Content to grant the rights described herein, and that (iii) the use by SKINIS ofyour Photos and Animated Content do not violate the rights of any third party or any law. Over therepresent, you release SKINIS from any obligation to pay you for any use of yourPhotos and Animated Content and any intellectual property rights contained therein in relation touses described above; and You release and keep unharmed and covered SKINIS and allperson acting on behalf of SKINIS for all claims, requests and responsibilities ofwhatever nature it is in relation to the use of the Photos and Animated Content described below.above.

Geneva on, 28.01.2019