Anti Radiation Quantum Shield For Cell Phone EMF Protection

CHF 5.00
Hot Round Anti Radiation Quantum Shield For Cell Phone Anti Radiation Sticker Removes unneccessary EMF waves: Absorb and transfer electromagnetic radiation waves by using special materials and reduce mobile phone radiation on the human brain by 96.43 percent.
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Hot Round Anti Radiation Quantum Shield For Cell Phone Anti Radiation Sticker Features: 1.Absorb and transfer electromagnetic radiation waves by using special materials and reduce mobile phone radiation on the human brain by 96.43 percent. 2. Extend the service life of rechargeable battery two to three times. 3. Quick charge and save 50% of charging time. 4. Resume the battery capacity and extend the standby time 0.5-2 times. 1.against EMP 2.against EMR 3.against radiation Removes unneccessary EMF waves: This revolutionary Quantum Shield offers the most advanced technology to address stress where you live, work and play. Emit various levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) or electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Prolonged and repeated exposure to aggressive EMF and EMR causes a measurable stress response and negative shifts in the body key energetic systems such as the bio electric field. Triggers a series of troubling biochemical responses. Studies have linked electro pollution to health concerns like fatigue and hyper-tension, as well as potentially much more dangerous conditions. Where will need this shield? Not only mobile phone.also you can use it on PC,cordless phone,desktop computer,laptop computer,oven,microwave

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